
Saturday, July 30, 2005


adapun hari-hari ini menyenangkan pada satu sisi,
coz i have it rite now... bcoz i have the one that i love... that i'm really in love with...

tapi di lain pihak ada keadaan tanpa pengharapan or sebenarnya ada tapi ga disadari...

ketika sesuatu tidak berjalan sebagaimmana mestinya apa yang akan kau lakukan...
dump it??? waste it?? or forget it as if there was nothing...???

speechless and cluesless....

sucks... ga juga sih... fuck it!!! ya juga sih...

jadi mo ngapain lagi???? yup benar mo ngapain lagi???

i hate when something didn't work as it used to be?????

as a note... i don't talk about my love life that has been so pleasant.but i'm talking about my other side of life...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, man, what is wrong ? Wanna share? Life has been not a good thing for me, either, sometimes.