
Sunday, August 29, 2004

who am i?

Who am I?

I was afraid, who am I?
I was ashamed, who am i?
Why did I afraid?
I had no one in this life
I was an orphan although…
I had my parent, friends,
brother, sister, nephew

but I was alone….

Who am I?
Who am I?

I am a son of God
Why did I say that?
Because he have redeemed me
I have been called by Thy name
“Thou art mine”

I’ve never been alone, he never forsake me
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake

Who am I?

I’m a winner, because He always be with me
Bless The Lord, O My soul because of His Mercy and truth

Bogor, Aug. 27 1995

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